Watchman Willie Martin Archive



�� Date:

������� Thu, 27 Sep 2001 20:32:23 ‑0400

�� From:

������ "Daniel Johns" <[email protected]>

���� To:

������ "MySelf" <[email protected]>

����� JUDGMENT BEGINS AT THE HOUSE OF YAHWEH<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =

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����������������������������������� BY

���������������������������� Bertrand L. Comparet

������ One verse of the Bible was formerly quoted more often than it is today, even though

today we are arriving at the time of its fulfillment.� This verse is 1 Peter <?xml:namespace

prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas‑microsoft‑com:office:smarttags" />4:17, "For the time is come that

judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begins at us, what shall be the end of

them that obey not the gospel of God?"� Strangely enough, this verse is almost always used

by the ministers to threaten their own congregations with judgment and condemnation.� This

is as though it was the Christian who should be in fear of this judgment.� Perhaps this does

get more money in the offering that Sunday but, is this a correct use of the word of Yahweh?

Let's examine the subject in detail.

������� This is a Christian nation.� It was founded by Christians, who came to this continent

when it was an untamed wilderness, peopled by fierce savages.� They came here, as their

own records tell us, to establish Christian communities where they could worship Yahweh

without interference. Even today, although we have allowed the entrance of millions of

people who hate our God and everything we hold sacred, yet the great majority of our

people are still Christian.

������� Our people are not completely perfect, people were never sinlessly perfect at any time,

that is why there was a need for Yahshua to come and save us by His sacrifice on the cross.

His death and resurrection were not in vain. Yahshua has cleansed us of the guilt of our sins,

if He had not, then He would have died in vain. Yahweh's purpose can never fail. He has

saved us from the judgment for our sins and redeemed us as His children, who had strayed

like lost sheep. It isn't the Christians who need to fear the judgment. 1 John 4:17 tells us,

"Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment:

because as He is, so are we in this world."

�������� It is still true that judgment must begin at the house of Yahweh but we see that it is not

judgment upon the Christians. Who then, are to be judged among those who are found in

this nation which is the household of Yahweh?

������� Those who hate our God, are loud in their denunciation of us for our supposed

sins. These supposed sins consist mostly in not helping them to commit their own sins, on a

scale as great and profitable as they desire.� Should we hang our heads in shame and plead

guilty to their accusations? Never! Isaiah 54:17 gives the answer.� "No weapon that is formed

against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou

shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of Yahweh, and their righteousness is of

Me, saith Yahweh."

������� Yes, our righteousness is of Him.� The righteousness which Yahweh imputed to

Christians because Yahshua died and was resurrected to accomplish this very

thing. Therefore, every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn.

������� In many places, the Bible tells us that Yahweh's judgment will fall upon the

ungodly. Upon those who hate Him and refuse His sacrifice made for us upon the cross. One

of these many verses is, 1 Samuel 2:10, "The adversaries of Yahweh shall be broken to

pieces; out of heaven shall He thunder upon them: Yahweh shall judge the ends of the


������� There are many more verses to the same effect, those nations which are not Christian

must face the final accounting for their wickedness. This is because they have refused to

accept the salvation offered them by Yahshua. What can possibly remain except the

judgment of complete justice? What a heavy penalty complete justice will require for their

many centuries of continuous wickedness!

������� Then why are we told that judgment must begin at the house of Yahweh? There is time

enough to get the other nations in their own turn, meanwhile let them stew in their own

juice. The household of Yahweh, His people the Anglo Saxon, Scandinavian, Germans, all

Israelites, must be cleansed at the beginning of this period of judgment which we see

already coming over the horizon. We must be made ready to receive Him.� Since the

Christians are not the people against whom the judgment is coming, then why does it begin

with our own nation?

������� It begins here precisely because we have allowed those who hate our God to come

here and live among us in great numbers. They ceaselessly attack every mention of the

name of Yahshua.

������� They constantly strive to prohibit all mention of His name in the schools, in any public

place or in governmental proceedings. They even want to remove those who fight against

Yahweh in his own household.

������� No nation can be righteous with such people in its midst.� Consequently, the judgment

must begin in this nation in order to remove those who fight against Yahweh in His own


������� Psalm 1:5 tells us, "Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in

the congregation of the righteous. Note this is completely different from the judgment upon

the other nation. Those nations who reject Yahweh and all His commandments, could never

be called the congregation of the righteous. This speaks of a judgment which falls upon

those who are sinners while they are among the congregation of the righteous.

������ Obviously, they couldn't be part of the congregation of the righteous, for then they

would not be sinners. They are found among the congregation of the righteous, as an

inassimilable, forever alien element among them.� Having rejected Yahshua, they must

therefore face the judgment they have earned. Yahshua tells us in John 12:48, "He that

rejecteth Me, and receiveth not My words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have

spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day."

������� It should not be hard to identify those who must be removed by this judgment. Yahshua,

as well as many of the prophets, tells that their rejection of Him leaves them no escape from

judgment. Isaiah 3:9 completes the identification. It is very appropriate that this should come

in verse nine, as nine is the number always associated with judgment in the Bible. This verse

points out, "The show of their countenance doth witness against them: and they declare their

sin as Sodom, they hid it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto


������� Today our nation is flooded with corrupting influences. Salacious movies and books, a

false psychology taught in many of our schools, which undermines the confidence of the

youth in their own parents. This list grows longer with liquor dealers who grow rich selling

whiskey to youths. There is a well financed campaign to break down all moral standards in

the coming generation. Then there is politics, wherein nothing counts but winning public

office, no matter what kind or degree of corruption is needed to win. There is merchandise

sold by advertising, which cleverly contrives to mislead the buyer to expect better quality

than he receives.

������� Surely none of this could have come from truly Christian sources, it is the antitheses of

Christianity. Yet we find it here, wealthy, powerful, numerous and utterly corrupt. It is the

work and congregation of the righteous. This element must be removed before we can be

ready to enter into the kingdom of Yahweh as the congregation of the righteous, the

household of Yahweh. It is upon these aliens that the judgment falls, not upon us. It is this

very process which Yahshua was describing to us in the parable of the tares among the

wheat.� This is recorded in Matthew 13:24‑30, 36‑43, where Yahshua told us of the tares

growing among the wheat, but being no part of it. The tares were the children of the devil.

Yahshua also identified them in John chapter 9, living among Yahweh's own children, who

must be weeded out to be burned in the fires of judgment.

������� When this is completed, we shall have a glorious nation which is truly fit to be the

kingdom of Yahweh, the congregation of the righteous, with nothing remaining that can

tarnish our glory. Yahshua concludes His explanation of the parable of the tares among the

wheat, with the statement that as soon as the tares are removed, "Then shall the righteous

shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father."

������� The time of judgment is at hand.� The tares themselves are publicly declaring their fear

of the national resentment rising against them. They bitterly attack every attempt to reinstate

the moral and political values of the day when this nation was morally great. They attack all

this as a movement of the extreme right. Be glad that you are extremely right, for only thus

can you be in the company of Yahweh. Let judgment begin at the house of Yahweh as

quickly as possible, so that we can be cleansed and made ready to receive our God,


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